Happy 7th Birthday, Team 3E ???

News > Happy 7th Birthday, Team 3E ???
Happy 7th Birthday, Team 3E

Happy 7th birthday Team 3E. Thanks for all your hard work during extremely challenging times. This has set us up for an exciting 2022 and beyond. 

2021 continued to challenge us but the team at 3E, supported by our partners and clients, set up a number of foundation changes that will allow us to grow through 2022 and beyond. We migrated ERP systems, opened a new branch in New Zealand and onboarded a number of new team mates. We will also be adding to the team in a number of roles early in 2022. We are now in the process of some further improvements that will be seen in the market over the coming months. 

The 3E’s are Evaluate, Enable, Evolve. We are definitely in a state of continual evolution and the next year will be no exception. I remember a previous business I set up took about 7 years to build to a suitable level that enabled us to deliver all the things we wanted to for our clients, partners, staff and community. We are substantially ahead of where that business was after 7 years, so I am really looking forward to where we will take 3E from here. No doubt lots to be done to be the business we want to be, but it is still something we can all be very proud of creating. I am looking forward to taking it to the next level with you all. 

Whilst there will no doubt be some speed bumps in 2022 (did someone say Omicron?) I know we are in a good position to not only deal with what comes our way but to deliver on our potential. With the continued support of our family, friends, clients, partners and the wider community, the future is looking very promising. We would also like to thank all the quality competitors in our marketspace who challenge us to improve every day. We will continue to evaluate, enable and evolve for the benefit of all stakeholders. 

Happy birthday Team 3E. Thank you all.
