Happy 6th Birthday, Team 3E ???

News > Happy 6th Birthday, Team 3E ???
Happy 6th Birthday Team 3E

Happy 6th birthday to the entire 3E team. By 3E team I mean all our current team members and all those who have helped and supported us over the last 6 years. It includes our clients, vendor partners, funding partners, family, friends and ex colleagues. Without their support, where we are now would not have been possible. Thank you to each and every one of you.

The six years have flown by, with the exception of last year. It seemed like we were stuck in 2020 forever but somehow now that we are through that year, it too feels like a fleeting moment. I look back on our last 6 years and have many fond memories. As much as 2020 was not a year you would ever wish for, especially as a young 6 year old, it is the year I am most proud of.

After the initial shock of total lockdown in March, the team rallied and adjusted. It was not something we had planned for in our disaster recovery planning. Fortunately we had solid foundations, great business partners and enormous support from friends and family. The team quickly reshaped plans, trimmed the sails and then focused on our clients and partners and what they might need to also get through this tough time. A Covid Assist team was quickly assembled, they designed systems and processes in a timeframe I would have thought impossible. They supported clients and partners in hardship with great compassion and professionalism. It was incredible to see what they were able to achieve and the team work they displayed.

The rest of the team then had to adjust, as we all did, to remote work and a significant amount of uncertainty. Our technology platform stood up extremely well and everyone was able to work remotely and be effective. We could not visit our team mates in other States or fly them into Sydney. That was disappointing but we tried to make the most of Teams Chat to keep us connected. We learned to use technology to support how we do business but I still have a preference to being in the same room as people I am interacting with.

So whilst 2020 was not the 6th year we would ever want or plan for, it will be one we can take many lessons from as we continue to move into the future. 2021 will still have its challenges but I have greater confidence now in our ability to adjust to what the future might throw our way.

Thank you Team 3E. I am very proud and privileged to be able to work with you all. Happy birthday! ???
